ENJOY SPACE 大隐物业出租招商电话:021-51693310
ENJOY SPACE 大隐地址:南丹东路106号
ENJOY SPACE 大隐总体量 | Total area: 2500㎡
ENJOY SPACE 大隐分割面积 | Division Availibility:150~1000㎡
ENJOY SPACE 大隐租金 | Rental:5.8~6.8元/㎡·天
ENJOY SPACE 大隐物业费 | P.M.F.:20元/㎡·月
ENJOY SPACE 大隐层高 | Ceiling:3.5m
ENJOY SPACE 大隐交付标准 | Handover Condition:
ENJOY SPACE 大隐VRV空调、水泥地面、工业风裸顶、公区精装
ENJOY SPACE 大隐VRV A/C, cement floor, bare ceiling, well decorated public area
ENJOY SPACE 大隐交付时间 | Handover Time:4月中 Mid April
ENJOY SPACE 大隐港汇,美罗城,东方商厦,太平洋百货……在徐家汇鳞次栉比的写字楼和车水马龙的喧嚣中,你是否曾向往一方静心乐土?
Grand Gateway, Metro City, Oriental Mall and Pacific, looking around at the heart of Xujiahui, you may find it hard to feel peace,
Yet for urban creators, rawness is the best playground for idea experiments. Carving out a skylight, spreading some botanic sheets, or doodling your own wall. Rawness is home to surprises and possibilities.
So here we are, Garden Hidden.
ENJOY SPACE 大隐布局即表达。
Structure is Expression.
在传统写字楼的走廊里穿行,狭长的布局会让你步履更匆匆;ENJOY SPACE 大隐这样的设计,背后的指向是效率。而未来办公,当效率不再是唯一的追求,人们转而寻求更舒适、更美观、更人性。
If you pay attention while walking through a traditional office building, you might find the long narrow corridor pushing your steps. The philosophy behind aims at productivity, which might not necessarily be the priority in future work place. Rather, space of more aesthetic and human consideration is the trend.
ENJOY SPACE 大隐“园为核心”的布局,为逗留、沟通提供了场地和契机。ENJOY SPACE 大隐希望通过这样的布局,让花园成为联结不同人群的纽带,鼓励人们走出各自的舒适区,交流碰撞。
A garden hidden at the center provides the space for lingering and comminication. We hope such structure encourages people to walk out of their comfort zone and connect with each other.
Also, the open space is ideal for all kinds of events, including but not limited to social gatherings, workshops, mini exhibitions, live arts, etc.
ENJOY SPACE 大隐四季流动 Seasons in Flow
The best way to feel seasons is through plants and weather.
ENJOY SPACE 大隐通过栽种不同季节的植物,花园一年四季呈现草木枯荣,配合头顶天、光、云、影、风,生动而富有变化。
By combining different types of plants, the garden gets to display different layers of visuals and aromas throughout the year. Together with the changing sky light, cloud, shadow and wind, all contributes to a vivid breathing space.
空间 Space
ENJOY SPACE 大隐室内以工业风的裸露水泥配合暖黄光线,既有办公场所的简洁硬朗,又有家的舒适质感,让你在忙碌和放松之间自由切换。
Raw concrete walls and ceililngs outline a rough and simple space, while the warm yellow lights bring a homy touch.
除了推窗而望的花园,还有举目可得的艺术。ENJOY SPACE 大隐简洁的水泥墙面也是艺术作品的最佳展示空间,大面积的灰色最适于烘托出视觉冲击,让人在环形公共走廊中移步换景。
Apart from the garden right out of your window, we also have artworks within your reach. Massive grey walls make natural dispaly and enhance your interaction with them.